Category: Inspiration

Ready to Take the Leap?

Get Ready to Take the Leap
Get Ready to Take the Leap

Ready to Take the Leap?  Of course, you are.  When you take that first leap, you will be taking advantage of that burning desire to leap from feeling blah and unfulfilled with life to actually doing the very things needed to feed your soul.  How do you feed your soul?  The first step is: Self-Care. Stop concerning yourself with what other people are doing (their personal journey has nothing to do with you). It’s time to get back to basics, you!

Just because the beginning of the year has passed; don’t just sit there.  There is always time for you to jump in and get moving–trust me, you’re not alone. Let’s start by taking care of yourself.

Pause for two seconds, now give your self a quick hand-clap. I commend your for your willingness to  invest in yourself.   When I say investing, I’m not specifically referring to money, but more about investing time and energy to begin making epic changes in your life. What a great way to honor yourself by giving space for improvement.  Let’s work together.  Let’s explore what is needed for you to peel back [and get rid of] a few unneeded layers and learn how to pour into yourself a whole lot more.  Are you ready to develop healthy habits to feed your soul?  Work with me. Get ready to gain self-confidence and time management to put yourself head of all that you wanted to leave behind.

Taking the Leap is a freeing feeling.  As a result, you’ll begin to tell yourself, “I matter“, “I love myself“, “I’m worth it“, “I don’t have all the time in the world, but I make time for myself” and most of all, “I trust the process“.

Believe, my friend.  Believe in yourself and believe that by Taking the Leap, you will be moving you in the direction of what feeds your soul.  Don’t be afraid, there is success on the other side of fear.  I’m here for you.  Fill in the Get in Touch with Tonesha on the Home page to get the conversation started. I know you are Ready to Take the Leap.







First Things First, Get Started

You must get started.

Don’t hold on to being perfect. I know you have the upper hand on the 80/20 rule, so just do it. Why? Because the Universe is in your favor. You were given the passion that burns inside and you’re now seeking your heart’s desire. How do I know? You would not be in search of how to kick the fear of starting and you most certainly would not have landed on my website in search of ways to fuel your passion; so let’s get started! I’m here for you.

Never Give Up!

Let me say it again, but a little louder, NEVER GIVE UP!  I was on a spiritual time-out for a whole 18 months.  The Universe caused somethings to shift in my life that I didn’t have control of… well so I thought.

After certifying, it seemed like it was going to take forever for me to get my coaching practice up and running with clients. Fear took its toll so I wrote and had to experience life to face those fears. Then the impossible happened, I lost all of my data, back-up and website files. I was beyond pissed. I was so pissed that I had to start all over that I did absolutely nothing. I wanted to give up, I really did, but I couldn’t. I went dormant for a while, but I couldn’t ignore my purpose; it was brewing inside to continue. So, here I am; I didn’t give up and neither should you.